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Group Attributes Pro - Getting started

6 articles


Unzip and upload `wupo-group-attributes-pro` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or choose the zip archive in the admin backend from Plugins -> Add New Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress Open the settings page of the plugin with a click on 'Settings' from the plugin ove...

Attribute groups

Create an attribute group In the WooCoomerce admin backend open, Products -> Attribute Group Insert a new name in the field 'Name' and click 'Add New Attribute Group' Edit an attribute group In the WooCoomerce admin backend open, Products -> Attribute Group Click on an existing attribute group name ...

Attribute group sets

Create an attribute group set In the WooCoomerce admin backend open, Products -> Attribute Group Set Insert a new name in the field 'Name' and click 'Add New Attribute Group Set' Edit an attribute group set In the WooCoomerce admin backend open, Products -> Attribute Group Set Click on an existing a...

Assign attribute groups and sets to a product

In the WooCommerce admin backend open the edit product page Scroll down to the section 'Product data' and open there the 'Attributes' tab From the toolbar at the bottom you can choose to either add an attribute group or an attribute group set. After you selected an item click 'Add' -> All the assig...

Layouts and templates

Change layout In the WooCoomerce admin backend open, WooCommerce -> Settings -> Group Attributes -> Styling: Layout Select the desired layout option. To get a visual overview of the different layouts please visit the WUPO Group Attributes page Create your own template In the WooCoomerce admin backe...


With Shortcodes product attributes can be displayed everywhere on the website.The Shortcoode is: [wugrat_attributes layout=<layout_id> product_id=<product_id> group_id=<group_ids>] Parameterslayout: - The id of the layout, same number as the layout option in the settings. Eg.: 2 - Complete Shortcode: [...